forestry & silviculture services
Panorama Crew Services provides a range of forestry and silviculture services.
urban interface fuels management

By focusing on Urban Interface Fuel Management, you'll be protecting your home, business or community from forest fires by proactively reducing the combustible hazards. Being a multi-disciplined skilled crew, we meet the needs for all levels of Government, industry and residential clients, with a FireSmart approach to reduce forest fuel hazards around buildings and other assets. This preventive initiative is a cost effective method to reduce the risk of loss, damage or injury.
planting, brushing & spacing

Since 1993, Panorama has an extensive history of working in the silviculture sector specifically tree planting, mechanical brushing and spacing or stand-tending. From the Kootenay region to the Robson Valley and back to the Cariboo we have planted, brushed and completed conifer release programs to ensure a free-to-grow status for the success of our reforestation services contracts. To date, Panorama has completed over 7000 hectares of reforested land in some of the most extreme terrain in BC.
seismic line cutting

The same skill and productivity that is achieved in our fire fighting and forestry divisions can be applied to our seismic line clearing sector for the oil and gas industry. Our crews are available 12 months of the year to all regions of the province.